WELCOME TO BUIB: The Audacity to be Different

The Biaka University Institute of Buea Programmes

General University Admission Requirements

  • Candidates must have passed at least Four (4) subjects at the GCE Ordinary Level or Probatoire and at least Two (2) subjects at the GCE Advanced Level in one seating excluding Religion.
  • Passed in Baccalaureate (General or Technical).
  • Any other Certificate considered by MINESUP Decision spelling out the admission requirements into University.
  • For Foreign students who have no knowledge of English, they will be expected to register for and undergo the Intensive Vocational Competence Program prescribed by BUIB.

Entrance Examination Admission Programs

Programme Title Code Degree Type Duration Minimum Requirements Deadline Status
State Registered NursingSRNBachelor Degree3 yearsThrough entry Exams with Ministry of Public Health (A level holders ONLY)2024-02-29
Not Available
State Registered MidwiferySRMBachelor Degree3 yearsThrough entry Exams with Ministry of Public Health (A levels holders only)2024-02-29
Not Available

General Admission Programs


Programme Title Code Degree Type Duration Minimum Requirements Deadline Status
B.Sc. in AgribusinessAGBBachelor Degree4 yearsA pass in at least two A levels subjects (excluding religious studies) in one sitting2024-02-29
Not Available
M.Sc. in AgribusinessAGBMaster Degree/MBA2 yearsA pass in at least two A levels subjects (excluding religious studies) in one sitting2024-02-29
Not Available
Programme Title Code Degree Type Duration Minimum Requirements Deadline Status
B.Sc. in AgronomyAGRBachelor Degree4 yearsA pass in at least two A levels subjects (excluding religious studies) in one sitting2024-02-29
Not Available
M.Sc. in AgronomyAGRMaster Degree/MBA2 yearsB.Sc. in Crop Production . Prior work experience is an added advantage2024-02-29
Not Available
Programme Title Code Degree Type Duration Minimum Requirements Deadline Status
B.Sc. in Animal ProductionAPBachelor Degree4 yearsA pass in at least two A levels subjects (excluding religious studies) in one sitting2024-02-29
Not Available
HND in Animal ProductionHAPHND2 yearsA pass in at least two A levels subjects (excluding religious studies) in one sitting2024-02-29
Not Available
M.Sc. in Animal ProductionAPMaster Degree/MBA2 yearsB.Sc. in Animal Production. Prior work experience is an added advantage2024-02-29
Not Available
Programme Title Code Degree Type Duration Minimum Requirements Deadline Status
B.Sc. in Fisheries and AquacultureFABachelor Degree4 yearsA pass in at least two A levels subjects (excluding religious studies) in one sitting2024-02-29
Not Available
M.Sc. in Fisheries and AquacultureFAMaster Degree/MBA2 yearsB.Sc. in Fisheries and Aquaculture.2024-02-29
Not Available
Programme Title Code Degree Type Duration Minimum Requirements Deadline Status
B.Sc. in Food Science and TechnologyFSTBachelor Degree4 yearsA pass in at least two A levels subjects (excluding religious studies) in one sitting2024-02-29
Not Available
M.Sc. in Food Science and TechnologyFSTMaster Degree/MBA2 yearsB.Sc. in Food Science and Technology2024-02-29
Not Available


Programme Title Code Degree Type Duration Minimum Requirements Deadline Status
B.Ed in Educational TechnologyBETBachelor Degree3 yearsAny two A-Level Subjects -Baccaloreat Added advantage to holders of Teachers Grade I Certification (CAPIEMP) & other professional degrees/Certificate2024-02-29
Not Available
B.Ed in Higher Education Management and AdministrationBHEBachelor Degree3 yearsAny two A-Level subjects Baccalauréat Added advantage to holders of Teachers Grade 1Certificate(CAPIEMP) & other professional degrees/Certificates2024-02-29
Not Available
B.Ed. in Secondary Teacher EducationSTEBachelor Degree3 yearsAny two A-Level Subjects -Baccaloreat Added advantage to holders of Teachers Grade I Certification (CAPIEMP) & other professional degrees/Certificate2024-02-29
Not Available
M.Ed in Educational Leadership and ManagementELMMaster Degree/MBA2 yearsBsc2024-02-29
Not Available
Programme Title Code Degree Type Duration Minimum Requirements Deadline Status
B.Ed in Early Childhood and Nursery EducationECNBachelor Degree3 yearsAny two A-Level subjects Baccalauréat Added advantage to holders of Teachers Grade 1Certificate(CAPIEMP) & other professional degrees/Certificates2024-02-29
Not Available
B.Ed in EducationBEBachelor Degree3 yearsA pass in at least ANY two A levels subjects (excluding religious studies) in one sitting2024-02-29
Not Available
B.Ed in Educational Leadership and ManagementBELBachelor Degree3 yearsAny two A-Level subjects Baccalauréat Added advantage to holders of Teachers Grade 1Certificate(CAPIEMP) & other professional degrees/Certificates2024-02-29
Not Available
B.Ed in Educational PsychologyEPYBachelor Degree3 yearsA pass in at least ANY two A levels subjects (excluding religious studies) in one sitting2024-02-29
Not Available
B.Ed in Special and Inclusive EducationSIEBachelor Degree3 yearsA pass in at least ANY two A levels subjects (excluding religious studies) in one sitting2024-02-29
Not Available
Guidance and CounsellingGACMaster Degree/MBA2 yearsBsc2024-02-29
Not Available
Inclusive EducationIEDMaster Degree/MBA2 yearsBsc2024-02-29
Not Available
M.Ed in Guidance and CounsellingGACMaster Degree/MBA2 yearsBsc2024-02-29
Not Available
M.Ed in Inclusive EducationIEDMaster Degree/MBA2 yearsBsc2024-02-29
Not Available
Programme Title Code Degree Type Duration Minimum Requirements Deadline Status
B.Ed in Physical and Health EducationPHEBachelor Degree3 yearsA pass in at least ANY two A levels subjects (excluding religious studies) in one sitting2024-02-29
Not Available
Programme Title Code Degree Type Duration Minimum Requirements Deadline Status
B.Ed in Adult EducationBAEBachelor Degree3 yearsA pass in at least ANY two A levels subjects (excluding religious studies) in one sitting2024-02-29
Not Available
B.Ed in Curriculum Design and InstructionBCDIBachelor Degree3 yearsAny two A-Level subjects excluding Religious Studies Probatoire and Baccalauréat2024-02-29
Not Available
B.Ed. in Primary Teacher EducationPTEBachelor Degree3 yearsA pass in at least ANY two A levels subjects (excluding religious studies) in one sitting2024-02-29
Not Available
B.Ed. In School Guidance and CounsellingBGCBachelor Degree3 yearsAny two A-Level subjects Baccalauréat Added advantage to holders of Teachers Grade 1Certificate(CAPIEMP) & other professional degrees/Certificates2024-02-29
Not Available
HND. in Didactics, Educational Planning and Curriculum DevelopmentHDEHND2 yearsAny two A-Level subjects excluding Religious Studies Probatoire and Baccalauréat2024-02-29
Not Available
M.Ed in Curriculum Design and InstructionMCDIMaster Degree/MBA2 yearsBsc2024-02-29
Not Available
Top-Up M.Ed in Curriculum Design and InstructionTCDIMaster Degree/MBA1 years Professional masters or its equivalence. Transcripts must be presented.2024-02-29
Not Available


Programme Title Code Degree Type Duration Minimum Requirements Deadline Status
B.ENG in Civil Engineering DesignCEDBachelor Degree4 yearsA pass in at least two A levels subjects (excluding religious studies) in one sitting2024-02-29
Not Available
BTech in Building ConstructionBCBachelor Degree3 yearsA pass in at leaset two A levels subjects (excluding religious studies) in one sitting2024-02-29
Not Available
BTech in Public WorksPWBachelor Degree3 yearsA pass in at leaset two A levels subjects (excluding religious studies) in one sitting2024-02-29
Not Available
BTech in Urban PlanningUPBachelor Degree3 yearsA pass in at leaset two A levels subjects (excluding religious studies) in one sitting2024-02-29
Not Available
Programme Title Code Degree Type Duration Minimum Requirements Deadline Status
B.ENG in Networks EngineeringNEBachelor Degree4 yearsA pass in at least two A levels subjects (excluding religious studies) in one sitting2024-02-29
Not Available
B.ENG in Software EngineeringSEBachelor Degree4 yearsA pass in at least two A levels subjects (excluding religious studies) in one sitting2024-02-29
Not Available
B.ENG in Telecommunications EngineeringTEBachelor Degree4 yearsA pass in at least two A levels subjects (excluding religious studies) in one sitting2024-02-29
Not Available
BTech in Information Systems and Software EngineeringISSEBachelor Degree3 yearsA pass in at leaset two A levels subjects (excluding religious studies) in one sitting2024-02-29
Not Available
BTech in Telecommunications and NetworksTNBachelor Degree3 yearsA pass in at least two A levels subjects (excluding religious studies) in one sitting2024-02-29
Not Available
HND in Networks Engineering HNEHND2 yearsA pass in at leaset two A levels subjects (excluding religious studies) in one sitting2024-02-29
Not Available
HND in Software EngineeringHSEHND2 yearsA pass in at leaset two A levels subjects (excluding religious studies) in one sitting2024-02-29
Not Available
Programme Title Code Degree Type Duration Minimum Requirements Deadline Status
B.ENG in Power Systems and Control EngineeringPSCEBachelor Degree4 yearsA pass in at least two A levels subjects (excluding religious studies) in one sitting2024-02-29
Not Available
B.ENG in Renewable Energy EngineeringREEBachelor Degree4 yearsA pass in at least two A levels subjects (excluding religious studies) in one sitting2024-02-29
Not Available
BTech in Electrical TechnologyETBachelor Degree3 yearsA pass in at least two A levels subjects (excluding religious studies) in one sitting2024-02-29
Not Available
BTech in Renewable EnergyREBachelor Degree3 yearsA pass in at least two A levels subjects (excluding religious studies) in one sitting2024-02-29
Not Available
Programme Title Code Degree Type Duration Minimum Requirements Deadline Status
B.ENG in Mechanical DesignMDBachelor Degree4 yearsA pass in at least two A levels subjects (excluding religious studies) in one sitting2024-02-29
Not Available
B.ENG in Process EngineeringPEBachelor Degree4 yearsA pass in at least two A levels subjects (excluding religious studies) in one sitting2024-02-29
Not Available
BTech in MechatronicsMBachelor Degree3 yearsA pass in at least two A levels subjects (excluding religious studies) in one sitting2024-02-29
Not Available
BTech in Process ControlPCBachelor Degree3 yearsA pass in at least two A levels subjects (excluding religious studies) in one sitting2024-02-29
Not Available


Programme Title Code Degree Type Duration Minimum Requirements Deadline Status
Direct BSc. in Medical Laboratory SciencesDBLBachelor Degree4 yearsA pass in at leaset two A levels subjects (excluding religious studies) in one sitting2024-02-29
Not Available
Direct BSc. in PhysiotherapyPTYBachelor Degree4 yearsA pass in at leaset two A levels subjects (excluding religious studies) in one sitting2024-02-29
Not Available
Emergency Health TechnicianEHCBachelor Degree1 yearsA pass in at least two A levels subjects (excluding religious studies) in one sitting2024-02-29
Not Available
Environmental Health TechnologyEHTBachelor Degree1 yearsA pass in at least two A levels subjects (excluding religious studies) in one sitting2024-02-29
Not Available
HND in Medical Imaging TechnologyHMIHND3 yearsA pass in at least two A Levels Science subjects2024-02-29
Not Available
HND in Medical Laboratory SciencesHLHND3 yearsA pass in at least two A levels subjects (Including Biology) in one sitting2024-02-29
Not Available
M.Sc in Chemical Pathology CPMaster Degree/MBA2 yearsBSc. in Biochemistry, Zoology, MD & MB.BS, Medical LaboratorySciences and Biomedical Sciences. Prior work experience is an added advantage2024-02-29
Not Available
M.Sc in Haematology and Blood Banking HBMaster Degree/MBA2 yearsBSc. in Haematology, MD & MB.BS, Medical LaboratorySciences and Biomedical Sciences. Prior work experience is an added advantage2024-02-29
Not Available
M.Sc in Medical Parasitology and Microbiology MPMMaster Degree/MBA2 yearsBSc. in Microbiology, Zoology, Biology, Medicine, Veterinary Medicine, Medical Laboratory and Biomedical Sciences. Prior work experience is an added advantage2024-02-29
Not Available
Top -Up BSc. in Medical Laboratory SciencesBLBachelor Degree1 yearsHigher National Diploma (HND) + three years complete transcript in Medical Laboratory Sciences2024-02-29
Not Available
Top up Bsc in Medical Imaging TechnologyTMIBachelor Degree1 yearsHND in Medical Imaging Technology2024-02-29
Not Available
Programme Title Code Degree Type Duration Minimum Requirements Deadline Status
Direct Bsc in MidwiferyDBMBachelor Degree3 yearsA LEVELS2024-02-29
Not Available
HND in MidwiferyHMHND3 yearsA pass in at least two A levels subjects (including Biology) in one sitting2024-02-29
Not Available
Top-Up Bsc. in MidwiferyBMBachelor Degree1 yearsHigher National Diploma(HND) or its equivalent2024-02-29
Not Available
Programme Title Code Degree Type Duration Minimum Requirements Deadline Status
Direct Bsc NursingDBNBachelor Degree4 yearsA levels2024-02-29
Not Available
ENROLLED NURSINGENHND3 yearsA pass in at leaset two A levels subjects (excluding religious studies) in one sitting2024-02-29
Not Available
Not Available
HND in NursingHNHND3 yearsA pass in at leaset two A levels subjects (excluding religious studies) in one sitting2024-02-29
Not Available
M.Sc in Family Health NursingMFHNMaster Degree/MBA2 yearsBSc. In Nursing and Prior work experience is an added advantage2024-02-29
Not Available
M.Sc in Geriatric NursingGNMaster Degree/MBA2 yearsBSc. In Nursing and Prior work experience is an added advantage2024-02-29
Not Available
M.Sc in Health Promotion and Community Health EducationHPCMaster Degree/MBA2 yearsBSc. In Nursing and Prior work experience is an added advantage2024-02-29
Not Available
M.Sc in Mental Health NursingMHMaster Degree/MBA2 yearsBSc. In Nursing and Prior work experience is an added advantage2024-02-29
Not Available
M.Sc in Nursing Bioinformatics NBMaster Degree/MBA2 yearsBSc. In Nursing and Prior work experience is an added advantage2024-02-29
Not Available
M.Sc in Nursing Education and AdministrationNEMaster Degree/MBA2 yearsBSc. In Nursing and Prior work experience is an added advantage2024-02-29
Not Available
M.Sc in Pediatric NursingPNMaster Degree/MBA2 yearsBSc. In Nursing and Prior work experience is an added advantage2024-02-29
Not Available
Nursing AssistantNABachelor Degree1 yearsThrough entry Exams with Ministry of Public Health (O level holders and above)2024-02-29
Not Available
Top-up BSc in NursingBNBachelor Degree1 yearsHigher National Diploma (HND) + three years complete transcript in Nursing2024-02-29
Not Available
Programme Title Code Degree Type Duration Minimum Requirements Deadline Status
HND in Pharmacy TechnologyPTHND3 yearsA pass in at least two A levels Science subjects (excluding religious studies) in one sitting2024-02-29
Not Available
M.Sc in Pharmaceutical HerbologyPHHMaster Degree/MBA2 yearsBSc. in Pharmacy Technology, MD, BMLS, Biomedical Sciences (Biochemistry, MCB), Chemistry and Zoology. BNS wih Science background in A level. Prior work experience in an added advantage.2024-02-29
Not Available
Medical Sales Representation MSRBachelor Degree1 yearsA levels2024-02-29
Not Available
Medical Sales Representation (Post Graduate Program)MSPMaster Degree/MBA1 yearsBachelor's Degree in Sciences or Social Sciences2024-02-29
Not Available
Pharmacy AssistantPABachelor Degree1 yearsA pass in at least four O levels subjects2024-02-29
Not Available
Top-Up Bsc. in Pharmacy TechnologyBPTBachelor Degree1 yearsHigher National Diploma(HND) or its equivalent2024-02-29
Not Available
Programme Title Code Degree Type Duration Minimum Requirements Deadline Status
Community Health and SafetyCHSBachelor Degree1 yearsA pass in at least two A levels subjects (excluding religious studies) in one sitting2024-02-29
Not Available
HND in Nutrition and DieteticsNDHND3 yearsA pass in at least two A levels Science subjects (excluding religious studies) in one sitting2024-02-29
Not Available
Food and Hygiene SafetyFHSBachelor Degree1 yearsA pass in at least two A levels subjects (excluding religious studies) in one sitting2024-02-29
Not Available
Health Care Quality Control ManagementQCMBachelor Degree1 yearsA pass in at least two A levels subjects (excluding religious studies) in one sitting2024-02-29
Not Available
HND in Health Care ManagementHCHND3 yearsA pass in at least two A levels subjects (excluding religious studies) in one sitting2024-02-29
Not Available
M.Sc in Nutrition and DieteticsNDMaster Degree/MBA2 yearsBSc. Nutrition and Dietetics or the Biological Sciences preferably Biochemistry, MCB, Home Economics, Food Sciences of General Biology. Prior work experience is an added advantage.2024-02-29
Not Available
M.Sc in Public Health and BiostatisticsPHMaster Degree/MBA2 yearsMD, MBBs, B. Pharma and BSc. in Biomedical Sciences or related disciplines. Prior work experience is an added advantage2024-02-29
Not Available
Medical Secretarial PracticeMSPBachelor Degree1 yearsA pass in at least four O levels subjects2024-02-29
Not Available
Occupational Health and SafetyOHSBachelor Degree1 yearsA pass in at least two A levels subjects (excluding religious studies) in one sitting2024-02-29
Not Available
Top-Up BSc. in Health Care ManagementBHCBachelor Degree1 yearsHND + 3 years complete transcript in Health Care Management2024-02-29
Not Available
Top-Up BSc. in Nutrition and DieteticsBNDBachelor Degree1 yearsHigher National Diploma (HND) + three years complete transcript in Nutrition and Dietetics2024-02-29
Not Available


Programme Title Code Degree Type Duration Minimum Requirements Deadline Status
BSc. in Accounting and FinanceACBachelor Degree3 yearsPass in Any two "A" level subjects except Religion in one sitting2024-02-29
Not Available
BSc. in TaxationBTBachelor Degree3 yearsPass in ANY two "A" level subjects except Religion in one sitting2024-02-29
Not Available
HND Accounting and FinanceAFHND2 yearsA levels2024-02-29
Not Available
M.Sc in Accounting and FinanceMAFMaster Degree/MBA2 yearsBachelor's Degree, Other professional qualifications including work experiences is an added advantage2024-02-29
Not Available
Professional MBA in Accounting and FinanceMAFMaster Degree/MBA2 yearsBachelor's Degree, Other professional qualifications including work experiences is an added advantage2024-02-29
Not Available
Professional MBA in TaxationPPTMaster Degree/MBA2 yearsBachelor's Degree, Other professional qualifications including work experiences is an added advantage2024-02-29
Not Available
Top Up Bsc Accounting & FinanceTACBachelor Degree1 yearsBachelor's Degree or its equivalence Transcripts must be presented.2024-02-29
Not Available
Top-Up Msc. in Accounting & Finance TACMaster Degree/MBA1 years Professional masters or its equivalence. Transcripts must be presented.2024-02-29
Not Available
Programme Title Code Degree Type Duration Minimum Requirements Deadline Status
BSc. in Banking and FinanceBFBachelor Degree2 yearsPass in ANY two "A" level subjects except Religion in one sitting2024-02-29
Not Available
BSc. in Insurance and Risk ManagemenIRMBachelor Degree3 yearsPass in ANY two "A" level subjects except Religion in one sitting2024-02-29
Not Available
Not Available
M.Sc in Banking and FinanceFMMaster Degree/MBA2 yearsBachelor's Degree, Other professional qualifications including work experiences is an added advantage2024-02-29
Not Available
Professional MBA in Banking and FinanceMBFMaster Degree/MBA2 yearsBachelor's Degree, Other professional qualifications including work experiences is an added advantage2024-02-29
Not Available
Top Up BSc Banking & FinanceTBNBachelor Degree1 yearsBachelor's Degree or its equivalence. Transcripts must be presented.2024-02-29
Not Available
Top-Up Msc. in Banking And FinanceBFMaster Degree/MBA1 yearsProfessional masters or its equivalence. Transcripts must be presented.2024-02-29
Not Available
Programme Title Code Degree Type Duration Minimum Requirements Deadline Status
Top-Up Msc. in MarketingMKMaster Degree/MBA1 yearsProfessional masters or its equivalence. Transcripts must be presented.2024-02-29
Not Available
BSc. in Events and Conferences ManagementECMBachelor Degree3 yearsPass in ANY two "A" level subjects except Religion in one sitting2024-02-29
Not Available
BSc. in Human Resource ManagementHRMBachelor Degree3 yearsPass in ANY two "A" level subjects except Religion in one sitting2024-02-29
Not Available
BSc. in ManagementMGBachelor Degree3 yearsPass in ANY two "A" level subjects except Religion in one sitting2024-02-29
Not Available
BSc. in MarketingMKBachelor Degree3 yearsPass in ANY two "A" level subjects except Religion in one sitting2024-02-29
Not Available
BSc. in Supply Chain ManagementSCBachelor Degree3 yearsPass in ANY two "A" level subjects except Religion in one sitting2024-02-29
Not Available
BSc. in Tourism and Hotel ManagementTHMBachelor Degree3 yearsPass in ANY two "A" level subjects except Religion in one sitting2024-02-29
Not Available
HND Human Resource ManagementHHRHND2 yearsA levels2024-02-29
Not Available
HND In Insurance and Risk ManagementHIRHND2 yearsA LEVELS2024-02-29
Not Available
HND in MarketingHMKBachelor Degree3 yearsA levels2024-02-29
Not Available
HND In Transport and LogisticsHTLHND2 yearsA levels2024-02-29
Not Available
HND ManagementHMGHND3 years2 A levels excluding religion2024-02-29
Not Available
HND Project ManagementHPMHND2 yearsA levels2024-02-29
Not Available
M.Sc in Conflicts, Peace Building and Humanitarian ActionCPBMaster Degree/MBA2 yearsBachelor's Degree, Other professional qualifications including work experiences is an added advantage2024-02-29
Not Available
M.Sc in Development ManagementDMMaster Degree/MBA2 yearsBachelor's Degree, Other professional qualifications including work experiences is an added advantage2024-02-29
Not Available
M.Sc in Events and Conference ManagementECMaster Degree/MBA2 yearsBachelor's Degree, Other professional qualifications including work experiences is an added advantage2024-02-29
Not Available
M.Sc in Financial ManagementMSFMMaster Degree/MBA2 yearsBachelor's Degree, Other professional qualifications including work experiences is an added advantage2024-02-29
Not Available
M.Sc in Health Care ManagementHCMaster Degree/MBA2 yearsBachelor's Degree, Other professional qualifications including work experiences is an added advantage2024-02-29
Not Available
M.Sc in Human Resource ManagementHRMaster Degree/MBA2 yearsBachelor's Degree, Other professional qualifications including work experiences is an added advantage2024-02-29
Not Available
M.Sc in Insurance and Risks ManagementIRMaster Degree/MBA2 yearsBachelor's Degree, Other professional qualifications including work experiences is an added advantage2024-02-29
Not Available
M.Sc in International Business ManagementIEMaster Degree/MBA2 yearsBachelor's Degree, Other professional qualifications including work experiences is an added advantage2024-02-29
Not Available
M.Sc in Logistics and Supply Chain ManagementSCMaster Degree/MBA2 yearsBachelor's Degree, Other professional qualifications including work experiences is an added advantage2024-02-29
Not Available
M.Sc in ManagementMGMaster Degree/MBA2 yearsBachelor's Degree, Other professional qualifications including work experiences is an added advantage2024-02-29
Not Available
M.Sc in MarketingMKMaster Degree/MBA2 yearsBachelor's Degree, Other professional qualifications including work experiences is an added advantage2024-02-29
Not Available
M.Sc in Microfinance and DevelopmentMDMaster Degree/MBA2 yearsBachelor's Degree, Other professional qualifications including work experiences is an added advantage2024-02-29
Not Available
M.Sc in Organizational DevelopmentODMaster Degree/MBA2 yearsBachelor's Degree, Other professional qualifications including work experiences is an added advantage2024-02-29
Not Available
Professional MBA in Financial ManagementPFMMaster Degree/MBA2 yearsBachelor's Degree, Other professional qualifications including work experiences is an added advantage2024-02-29
Not Available
Professional MBA in Human Resource ManagementPHRMaster Degree/MBA2 yearsBachelor's Degree, Other professional qualifications including work experiences is an added advantage2024-02-29
Not Available
Professional MBA in Project ManagementPPMMaster Degree/MBA2 yearsBachelor's Degree, Other professional qualifications including work experiences is an added advantage2024-02-29
Not Available
Professional MBA in Supply Chain ManagementPSCMaster Degree/MBA2 yearsBachelor's Degree, Other professional qualifications including work experiences is an added advantage2024-02-29
Not Available
Top Up BSc Supply Chain ManagementTSCBachelor Degree1 yearsBachelor's Degree or its equivalence. Transcripts must be presented.2024-02-29
Not Available
Top Up BSc Tourism and Hotel ManagementTTHMBachelor Degree1 yearsBachelor's Degree or its equivalence. Transcripts must be presented.2024-02-29
Not Available
Top Up M.Sc in Entrepreneurship and InnovationTEIMaster Degree/MBA1 yearsProfessional masters or its equivalence. Transcripts must be presented.2024-02-29
Not Available
Top Up MSc in Logistics and Supply Chain Management TLSCMaster Degree/MBA1 yearsMBA2024-02-29
Not Available
Top-Up Bsc in ManagementTMGBachelor Degree1 yearsHND in Management2024-02-29
Not Available
Top-up Bsc in MarketingTMKBachelor Degree1 yearsHND in Marketing2024-02-29
Not Available
Top-Up M.Sc in Conflicts, Peace Building and Humanitarian ActionTCPBMaster Degree/MBA1 yearsProfessional masters or its equivalence. Transcripts must be presented.2024-02-29
Not Available
Top-Up Msc. in Management TMGMaster Degree/MBA1 yearsProfessional masters or its equivalence. Transcripts must be presented.2024-02-29
Not Available
Top-Up Msc. in Human Resource ManagementTHRMaster Degree/MBA1 yearsProfessional masters or its equivalence. Transcripts must be presented.2024-02-29
Not Available
Top-Up Msc. in Project ManagementTRMMaster Degree/MBA1 yearsProfessional masters or its equivalence. Transcripts must be presented.2024-02-29
Not Available